The Flood (Logorrhea) is a series of 3DCGI renders commemorating the end of the world, stillborn by its very nature as the end of things happening. Apocalypse, the Greek name for revelation, relays the unspeakable: a communion not susceptible to being mediated, hence demanding raw contact without the mental faculties generating a decontamination chamber of space and time to separate sender and receiver in the first place. Consummate decryption of the signal entails a rupture in this membrane dividing agents from worlds, flooding each with its other to unmask the undead constitution of the cosmos as having always already been uninhabitable, the universe as tragic protagonist: reaching out to the audience despite being irrevocably annihilated in the script that governs how the play unfolds. Horror translates this flood, from the cosmic scale of cataclysm leading entire realms into superfluity, to the personally intelligible abject of bodies bleeding out. Omens, so crucial to both, operate as the anonymous murmur of the timeless Beyond, speaking to the world through its own flesh, and so express themselves most commonly as meteorological anomaly and birth defects.
The embedding space for The Flood (Logorrhea) at New Art City is a specifically designed edifice influenced by the image of downward spirals, labyrinths, pharaonic tombs, deep sea trenches, the Tunnels of Set, the Uncanny Valley, architecturally repressed arterial systems of ducts that facilitate the corruption of vertically articulated space, hydrothermal vents, and motorcycle cases.
The embedding space for The Flood (Logorrhea) at New Art City is a specifically designed edifice influenced by the image of downward spirals, labyrinths, pharaonic tombs, deep sea trenches, the Tunnels of Set, the Uncanny Valley, architecturally repressed arterial systems of ducts that facilitate the corruption of vertically articulated space, hydrothermal vents, and motorcycle cases.